Submit a paper to Riurba
[En français, Proposer un article]
The Revue Internationale d’Urbanisme (RIURBA) publishes two issues a year on its website www.riurba.review.
Each issue is the subject of a THEMATIC CALL FOR PAPER (hereafter: CfP). A specific tab on the RIURBA website is dedicated to current and past calls for papers. Authors can submit their articles, in the format specified below, by sending them, to the thematic issue’ editors (names and emails specified in each CfP), adding in cc the editorial board at the following address: secretariat@riurba.review.
Some “VARIA” issues or added as part of THEMATIC ISSUE are reserved for the publication of the most recent work, and for research on subjects not covered by the thematic calls for papers, but in line with an international journal dedicated to urban planning issues.
Submission format
The RIURBA publishes original research papers, which have undergone a double review process.
Texts should not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces).
They should be structured in line with expected scientific writing practices (problematization, presentation and use of concepts and theories, details of all sources, presentation of relevant examples). The journal reaches an international audience, so the papers must provid any background information that may be necessary for a proper understanding of the subject.
All texts pre-approved by the editorial committee are submitted anonymously to a double-blind peer reviewed process. The result is an overall opinion divided into 4 categories, with comments:
- publication without modification
- publication with minor corrections
- publication with major corrections
- reject for publication
Each manuscript proposal must display an abstract in English and an abstract in French, each approximately 700 characters long.
To be considered by the RIURBA Journal, the manuscript must be sent (in a word-processing format compatible with OpenOffice or Microsoft Word) to secretariat@riurba.review and, if requested in the call for papers, to the issue editors. Please only use the document template (Microsoft Word .docx or OpenOffice .odt) available for download. The manuscript should include:
A presentation page (which will not be sent to reviewers) including:
- the title of the article
- authors’ first and last names, and their main affiliation (university, laboratory, etc.)
- e-mail address for each author
- abstracts and keywords in French and English
From the second page onwards, the text of the article, including the title.
As far as possible, don’t try to “lay out” the manuscript; just use the heading styles (heading 1, heading 2, etc.) of your word processor, without adding any enrichment other than bold, italic or superscript characters in the body text, and without modifying the appearance of the titles.
Quotations and boxes can be inserted into the text, identified by the indication [quotation] or [box] at the beginning of the paragraph. Their final appearance is visible in the style sheet. Contact the editorial team for any specific layout requests.
All illustrations (royalty-free, captioned images, tables and graphics) must be numbered and inserted in their proper place in the text, You must attached all the figures and illustrations as separate files in jpeg or png format (svg or ai for maps or tables).
Do not use the word processor to crop or assemble images: these modifications may not be correctly transposed into the publication.
An illustration identified as main (captioned and copyright-free) is strongly recommended to accompany the publication (also delivered separately from the text document).
All illustrations must have a minimum resolution of 72 dpi, minimum width 800 pixels.
Bibliography, references, footnotes
Quotations are inserted in the text (author’s name, year). References must be mentioned in footnotes.
The form required is as follows:
Book, Monograph
Name, F. (Year) Title, place: publisher, pages.
Chapter from a collective work
Name, F. (Year) « Title », in Name, F. (dir.), Title, place: publisher, pages.
Scientific journal article
Name, F. (Year) « Title », Name of Journal, volume, issue, pages.
A summary bibliography at the end of the article lists all the sources used, sorted by author.